Youth Justice Committee - November 29, 2012 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
November 29, 2012 (All day)

San Francisco Youth Commission
Youth Justice Committee
DRAFT Minutes
Thursday, November 29, 2012
City Hall, Room 345
1. Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Pl.
San Francisco, CA 94102

There will be public comment on each item.

Members: Angel Carrion, Ramon Gomez, Paul Monge-Rodriguez

1. Call to Order and Roll Call

The meeting was called to order at 5:15pm. Committee members present: Angel Carrion, Ramon Gomez, Paul Monge-Rodriguez. Staff members present: Mario Yedidia. There was quorum.

2. Approval of Agenda (Action Item)

Commissioner Monge-Rodriguez, seconded by Commissioner Gomez, moved to approve the meeting agenda. This motion was approved unanimously by acclamation.

3. Approval of Minutes (Action Item)

A. November 15, 2012

Commissioner Monge-Rodriguez, seconded by Commissioner Gomez, moved to approve the minutes to the Youth Justice Committee meeting of November 15, 2012. This motion was approved unanimously by acclamation.

4. Public Comment on Items not on Agenda (Discussion Only)

There was none.

5. Business (All Items to Follow Discussion and Possible Action)

A. Check in

B. Commissioner Monge-Rodriguez’s report on recreation yard survey results

Commissioner Monge-Rodriguez led his colleagues through a memo he had drafted on behalf of the committee regarding the survey of some 50 plus detainees at the Juvenile Justice Center and their experiences and preferences regarding exercise and outdoor recreation.

Committee members agreed on the following timeline: to send the memo to the Chief the week of December 3; to take the month of December to strategize regarding the future of the campaign to increase recreation access and improve the Juvenile Justice Center’s bureaucratic culture regarding recreation time; and to approach the Department in January to ask if they will consider putting a request for money to make the recreation area fully accessible into the department’s proposed budget for next year.

C. Work on committee priorities and S.M.A.R.T. goals (i.e., goals that are
specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound)

Commissioner Carrion agreed to draft an email to the Police Department to reengage Police staff on the three policy recommendations the Youth Commission Youth Justice Committee made to the Department in March of 2012 that the Department agreed to implement in April – but that have yet to be fully implemented, as far as the committee is aware. He also committed to sending an email on these matters to Office of Citizen Complaints staff and Police Commissioners.

Moreover, committee members agreed to reach out to community organizations including HOMEY, Coleman, Bernal Heights Neighborhood Center, and the Center for Young Women’s Development on this matter.

Commissioner Monge-Rodriguez agreed to email the school district to get an update on the progress towards updating the Memorandum of Understanding at between the district and the Police Department regarding police officers on school campuses. Staff Yedidia agreed to provide Commissioner Monge-Rodriguez with email addresses to help make this happen.


6. Items to Report to Executive Committee (Action Item)

Committee members asked Commissioner Monge-Rodriguez to report to the Executive Committee on the Youth Justice Committee's work regarding recreation access at Juvenile Hall and the three changes being sought at the Police Department.

7. Executive Committee Report (Discussion Only)

Commissioner Monge-Rodriguez discussed the upcoming Bay Area-wide Youth Commission summit, a planning meeting for which would be held on Friday, December 7 at 5:00pm in the Youth Commission office, in collaboration with Oakland Youth Commissioners and staff.

8. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 6:34pm.