Full Commission - June 17, 2013 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
June 17, 2013 (All day)

San Francisco Youth Commission
Monday, June 17, 2013
City Hall, Room 416
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Pl
San Francisco, CA 94102

There will be public comment on each item.

Mia Shackelford, Chair
Nicholas Persky, Vice Chair, Paul Monge-Rodriguez, Co-Legislative Affairs Officer, Rachel Brodwin, Co-Legislative Affairs Officer, Christine Huynh, Communications & Outreach Officer
Sarah Armstrong, Angel Carrion, Brian Chu, Kyron Covington, Ramon Gomez, Alex Guzman-Ramos,
Lily Marshall-Fricker, Mia Tu Mutch, Vee Taumoepeau, Eric Wu, Ariel Yu

1. Call to Order and Roll Call

The chair called the meeting to order at 5:20 pm.

Commissioners present: Carrion, Covington, Huynh, Marshall-Fricker, Monge-Rodriguez, Tu Mutch, Persky, Shackelford, Taumoepeau, Wu, Yu

Commissioners absent: Armstrong, Brodwin, Chu, Guzman-Ramos

There was quorum.

Commissioner Gomez noted present at 5:46 pm

Staff present: Adele Carpenter, Allen Lu

2. Approval of Agenda (Action Item)

Commissioner Carrion, seconded by Commissioner Covington, moved to approve the agenda. This motion was approved by acclamation.

4. Public Comment on Items not on Agenda (Discussion Only)

The chair called this item out of order.

Rexy Amoral, youth intern at LYRIC, invited youth commissioners to the pride activities in upcoming weeks and spoke about the importance of LYRIC’s programming in creating youth safe space.

Edian Blair spoke about the importance of safe spaces for LGBTQ youth and the role of LYRIC in creating safe spaces for youth. Edian indicated that the budget should prioritize queer and trans youth and recognize the importance of the school-based work LYRIC does.

Chair Shackelford thanked members of the public for coming and speaking. She invited commissioners to think about how to create priorities for safe space for queer and trans youth.

Commissioner Marshall-Fricker thanked members of the public for their comments.

There was no further public comment.

7. Legislation Referred from the Board of Supervisors (All Items to Follow Discussion and Possible Action)

B. [BOS file no. 130600] Hearing-Department of Children, Youth, and Their Families’ 2013-2016 Grant Awards (Sponsor: Supervisor Eric Mar)
Presenter: Office of Supervisor Eric Mar
(Document D)

The chair called item 7B out of order.

Peter Lauterborn, legislative aide of Supervisor Eric Mar, congratulated youth commissioners on a strong year. He briefly explained the DCYF three year granting cycle which culminates in a recently-completed request for proposal award process. In this process, new programs are funded, and some old programs are de-funded. While most of these decisions are soundly based on the needs assessment completed early on in the granting cycle, some decisions raise questions about the equity impact of the cuts, particularly amidst a declining youth population. Supervisor Mar’s office has called a hearing to inquire how these decisions were reached. Mr. Lauterborn invited commissioners to provide questions or comments in advance of the hearing.

Commissioner Monge-Rodriguez inquired as to changes in distribution of funding across geographic areas. What areas and issues have been impacted disproportionately?

Mr. Lauterborn responded that we know by supervisorial districts where cuts occurred, but what is misleading about the data is that just because a program is in a particular district does not mean it is being used by residents of that district.

The chair reminded her colleagues that for inclusion in a legislation referred memo, there would need to be a motion.

Commissioner Yu asked whether youth read the RFP’s during this cycle.

Mr. Lauterborn explained there are usually youth leaders, but he does not know at what point in the internal process youth were included. He reminded commissioners that the needs assessment begins next year and that the Youth Commission should consider making recommendations on funding areas that require attention.

Commissioner Carrion asked about accountability around program outcomes.

Mr. Lauterborn explained that DCYF has a smaller number of program officers than can follow up with site visits to all 400 grantees. The department does collect information and maintain a data tracking system regarding attendance and demographics, but this is difficult to standardize. This is why it is important to have a youth body with eyes and ears is important during the needs assessment phase.

Commissioner Monge-Rodriguez asked whether there is consideration as to the possibility of irreparable harm to programs being defunded. Are there carry-over grants help programs complete cohorts that are already underway? Is there a good faith effort to connect these programs to other non-DCYF funded sources?

Mr. Lauterborn affirmed these questions and said they would be important to follow up with the department on.

The chair called for public comment.

Annayvette Martinez, LYRIC program director explained this was the first year DCYF used LGBT youth as a specific population. LYRIC applied for those funds and did not receive them. It is great that DCYF created that funding stream, but it is important to take into consideration the organizations that have been doing that work for many years.

There was no further public comment.

The chair summarized the comments and questions from the commission: Geographic areas, issue-areas, and demographics most affected by cuts; How DCYF monitors CBO’s; What is done when cuts will cause irreparable harm to programs mid-cycle; Are there efforts to connect defunded programs to other funding? How is DCYF getting comments from youth and particular demographics into decisions made about funding streams?

Commissioner Huynh, seconded by Commissioner Marshall-Fricker motioned to include the concerns and questions just listed by the chair in the formal response on legislation referred. This motion was approved by acclamation.

A. [BOS file no. 130502] Hearing-Budget and Legislative Analyst’s Report – Socioeconomic Equity (Sponsor: Supervisor John Avalos)
Presenter: Office of Supervisor John Avalos
(Documents B, C)

The chair then returned to item 7A.

Jeremy Pollock, legislative aide of Supervisor Avalos, greeted the commission, and explained that he was present to speak about the budget and legislative analyst’s social-economic equity report. The report was inspired by equity reports that have been developed and used in King County in Washington, who have made equity and fairness a key aspect of county planning efforts.

Phase two of the report will be analyzing how city departments are addressing the inequalities highlighted in this report. A large number of youth are concentrated in the southern part of the city. The disparities in educational outcomes and availability of open space are striking.

The budget committee has asked city departments to include equity impacts in their proposed budget presentation to BOS. Supervisor Avalos’ office is looking at making this a more permanent aspect of the budgeting process, as well as ongoing planning and development processes.

Supervisor Avalos is looking forward to hearing input from the Youth Commission on this report.

Commissioner Monge-Rodriguez explained he would like to see some of the initial templates for the design of an equity report. He explained he would like to see a caveat for the conditions of, and impacts on, youth in particular districts.

Chairwoman Shackelford explained that housing issues are the biggest inequity in the city and should be a strong focus of these analyses. There is a lot of new housing residential construction, but is it making things more equitable?

Commissioner Wu asked whether the report includes changes to the percentages of youth living in particular areas.

Mr. Pollock explained the report just shows the current population of youth, rather than changes in youth population.

Commissioner Wu explained the reasoning behind this is to understand how housing issues and evictions are affecting displacement of families in particular neighborhoods.

Commissioner Monge-Rodriguez asked whether this information was available in time for DCYF to use during the granting process.

Mr. Pollock explained that it was likely not available in time, it is primarily based on census data and was created last month.

The chair called for public comment. There was no public comment.

The chair reviewed the comments so far. She also asked which commissioners would be interested in working on this with Supervisor Avalos’ office on the template of future equity reports. The comments so far included: The commissioner is interested in the template for equity reports; Questions as to the movement of youth between areas and districts; Questions as to the impacts of housing scarcity and eviction on youth; A recommendation that DCYF should use a similar report in their granting process.

Commissioner Yu, seconded by Commissioner Wu, moved to formally include those comments in the commission’s official response on this legislation. This motion was approved by acclamation.

Commissioners Monge-Rodriguez, Yu, Shackelford, and Covington were interested in working on this issue moving forward.

8. Presentations (All Items to Follow Discussion and Possible Action)

There were no presentations.

There was no public comment.

9. Youth Commission Business (All Items to Follow Discussion and Possible Action)

A. Motion to co-sponsor Mission Girls’ Empowering Female Leadership panel
Sponsors and Presenters: Commissioner Huynh; and Susana Rojas, Girls Services Director, Mission Girls
(Document E)

Commissioner Huynh welcomed the presenters from Mission Girls.

Susana Rojas explained that the Mission Girls program is focused on how girls can make a change city-wide and be part of government. She explained she hoped to see commissioners, supervisors, and women in the mayor’s office to influence them in making change in the community.

Commissioner Huynh read the motion into public record.

Commissioner Yu seconded the motion. The motion was approved by acclamation.

Commissioners Yu and Shackelford expressed interest in supporting the event.

There was no public comment.

3. Approval of Minutes (Action Item)

A. Monday, June 3, 2013

(Document A)

The chair returned to this item after item 9A. Commissioner Taumoepeau, seconded by Commissioner Huynh, moved to approve the minutes from June 3, 2013. This motion was approved by acclamation.

There was no public comment.

5. Staff Report (Discussion Only)

The chair called item 5, in accordance with the order of previously uncalled items.

Staff member, Adele Carpenter, introduced the new Youth Works intern, Eric Perez, and congratulated him on his upcoming graduation. She invited commissioners to an upcoming call with youth transit advocates in Portland, Oregon and Boston. She also invited commissioners to an upcoming call on school disciplinary issues with advocates in southern California. Ms. Carpenter requested clarification on which weeks commissioners would be out of town in July, in order to help schedule a full commission meeting. She apprised commissioners of updates on participatory budgeting efforts and suggested commissioners might like to review the role of youth inclusion in participatory budgeting efforts. Commissioners Wu, Huynh, Covington, and Shackelford were interested. Ms. Carpenter invited commissioners to join the YC alumni network and reach out to former commissioners. She also invited commissioners to the upcoming Summer Learning Day event.

Staff member, Allen Lu, invited commissioners to participate in the upcoming AAPHYLA steering committee meetings and cohort events. Commissioners Huynh and Shackelford were interested.

6. Legislative Affairs Officers Report (Discussion Only)

Commissioner Monge-Rodriguez invited his colleagues to the upcoming Free Muni for Youth Community meeting on June 18, 2013. He reminded his colleagues of the effort to create a DACA-day early in the coming school term, tentatively scheduled for August 28, 2013. He updated his colleagues on a developing campaign against the use of “willful defiance” as a category for student suspensions in SFUSD. Commissioner Monge-Rodriguez also explained that the Youth Voice ordinance would have to be carried forward in the following youth commission term.

9. Youth Commission Business (All Items to Follow Discussion and Possible Action)

B. [First Reading] Resolution 1213—17—Urging Support of the Creation of Youth Government Advisory Bodies at both the Regional and Federal Levels
Sponsor and presenter: Commissioner Monge-Rodriguez
(Document F)

The chair then returned to item 9B.

Commissioner Monge-Rodriguez read the resolution into the public record. He explained one possible amendment would be stating that the Youth Commission supports the effort, rather than asking the mayor or BOS to support it.

Commissioner Covington commented that the regional summit could lay the groundwork for a regional youth commission.

After receiving clarifying questions from his colleagues, Commissioner Yu, Commissioner Covington, and Commissioner Wu, Commissioner Monge-Rodriguez explained that over seventy organizations had signed on to the campaign for a national youth council and that based on the formal proposal from the campaign, youth councils from across the country would nominate someone from their council to sit on the national council before a body of advisors would select appointments. He explained that the resolution does not call for a state-level commission because it is based on an already-existing campaign at the federal level. The commissioner also explained that the Youth Commission could make caveats or recommendations regarding the number of appointments, as the San Francisco Youth Commission is being looked up to as a model commission in this campaign.

Commissioner Covington agreed to develop a clause on Summer Jobs Plus.

There was no public comment.

D. Youth Commission Evaluation
(Document G)

There was no item 9C, due to an error in the crafting of the agenda.

Staff asked commissioners to fill out the evaluations after the meeting was adjourned.

There was no public comment.

10. Committee Reports (Discussion Only)

A. Executive Committee

Commissioner Huynh gave updates on community outreach opportunities, including: a city hall visit with Mission Girls and a July 11th visit with ASPIRE (Commissioners Carrion and Gomez were interested). She also updated her colleagues on the selection process for the Youth of the Year award.

B. Youth Justice Committee

Commissioner Carrion updated his colleagues on the position letter on JPD probation officers and firearms, delivered to the Juvenile Probation Commission. He informed his colleagues that Chief Siffermann is retiring and that the committee met with SFPD leadership, including a new point of contact on school-based issues, Lt. Fatooh. He also updated his colleagues the committee would be meeting with a member of the police commission and the Office of Citizen Complaints in July.

C. Youth Employment Committee

Commissioner Covington updated his colleagues that the committee is planning site visits to Summer Jobs Plus doorway organizations.

D. Education Committee

There was not quorum at the last committee meeting, but the committee is following up on credit recovery options, the PEEF renewal, and working with the stakeholder council for PEEF.

E. Housing, LGBTQ, and TAY Issues Committee

Commissioner Tu Mutch updated her colleagues that the 12N hearing had gone very well and the committee would be continuing its work and reaching out to stakeholders, as well as a devising a portfolio of training supports.

Commissioner Wu explained that the committee was planning an off-site housing focused meeting on July 22, 2013 at the International Hotel.

F. Youth Advisory Council

The Youth Advisory Council received a presentation on the Summer lunch program and Commissioner Yu emphasized that the Youth Commission should sponsor the program.

G. Our Children, Our City Stakeholder Council Meeting

Commissioner Wu explained that the stakeholder council is developing a wiki site to keep notes and maintain an overview of the council.

11. Attendance Review (Action Item)

A. Monday, June 3, 2013

i. Christine Huynh

Commissioner Wu explained that she was delayed by thirty minutes due to the T-line. Commissioner Tu Mutch, seconded by Commissioner Taumoepeau moved to approve this absence. This motion was approved by acclamation.

ii. Brian Chu

Commissioner Yu, seconded by Commissioner Gomez, moved to approve this absence. This motion was approved by acclamation.

12. Announcements (This Includes Community Events)

Commissioner Wu asked his colleagues to keep an eye out for a scheduling request for the Chinatown alleyway tour.

Commissioner Gomez reminded his colleagues about Summer Learning Day on Friday.

13. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 7:06 pm.