Full Commission - October 6, 2014 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
October 6, 2014 (All day)

San Francisco Youth Commission
Monday, October 6, 2014
City Hall, Room 416
1. Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Pl.
San Francisco, CA 94102

There will be public comment on each item.

Jillian Wu, Lily Marshall-Fricker, Rosa Chen, Emily Guo, Luis Avalos Nuñez, Precious Listana, Joyce Wu, Noah David, Alex Berliner, Joshua Cardenas, Michel Li, Anna Bernick, Sophie Edelhart, David Zheng

1. Call to Order and Roll Call for Attendance

Chair Li called meeting to order at 5:21 pm.

Commissioners present: Jillian Wu, Precious Listana, Joyce Wu, Joshua Cardenas, Anna Bernick, Sophie Edelhart, Michel Li, Noah David, David Zheng, Rosa Chen, Lily Marshall-Fricker, Luis Avalos

Commissioners absent: Berliner; Commissioner Berliner noted present at 5:24 pm.

Staff present: Allen Lu, Adele Failes-Carpenter

There was quorum.

2. Approval of Agenda (Action Item)

There was no public comment.

Commissioner Joyce Wu, Seconded by commissioner Bernick, motioned to approve the agenda. The motion passed by acclamation.

3. Approval of Minutes (Action Item)

A. July 21, 2014
(Document A)

B. September 15, 2014
(Document B)

There was no public comment.

Commissioner Edelhart, seconded by commissioner Avalos, motioned to approve the minutes from July 21, 2014. The motion passed by acclamation.

Commissioner Edelhart, seconded by commissioner Avalos, motioned to approve the minutes from September 15, 2014. The motion passed by acclamation.

4. Public Comment on Items not on Agenda (Discussion Only)

Iris Fluellen, from the Omega Boys Club, spoke about the Alive and Free program. She presented commissioners with a copy of their annual report and invited commissioners to tune into the Street Soldiers program on 106 KMEL.

There was no further public comment.

5. Consent Calendar (Action Item)

All items hereunder constitute a Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Commissioner so requests. In that event, the item will be removed from the Consent Calendar and considered as a separate item immediately following the vote on the rest of the items.

A. Approval of the Housing, Environment, and City Services Committee’s September 26, 2014 Referral Response to Board of Supervisors File No. 140911 [Operation Budget Amendment – Municipal Transportation Agency - Free Muni for Special Education Services Students FY2015-2016]
(Documents C and D)

Chair Li explained the function and procedure of the Consent Calendar. A motion to approve was made by Commissioner Edelhart, seconded by Commissioner Listana. There was no public comment. The motion passed by unanimous acclamation.

6. Legislation Referred from the Board of Supervisors (All Items to Follow Discussion and Possible Action)

There was none.

7. Presentations (All Items to Follow Discussion and Possible Action)

A. Presentation on the Department of Children, Youth, and Their Families (DCYF) and its Youth Advisory Council
Presenter: Prishni Murillo, Senior Program Planner, Dept. of Children, Youth, and Their Families
(Documents E and F)

Ms. Murillo presented to commission on the mission and goals of Department of Children, Youth and their Families. She highlighted the department’s objective to provide a “cocoon of support” for youth by increased partnership with SFUSD.

She shared a brief history of how DCYF came about, how property tax set asides in the Children’s Fund help pay for the Department’s work, and the role of the Children’s Fund. DCYF has different funding areas including Early Care and Education, Out of School time, Youth Leadership Development, and foundational support. The department also operates in a cycle where funding decisions are made through a community Needs Assessment.

DCYF impacts over 50,000 children and youth through its programs. It provides many resources including SFkids.org; Check Out SF; Kindergarten to College; Summer Food and Year-Round Afterschool Snack Program; and Family Resource Centers (FRCs).

Commissioner Berliner asked if the Family Resource Center at CCSF is included in the DCYF funded FRCs. Ms. Murillo stated that the CCSF Family Resource Center is separate from the DCYF FRCs.

Ms. Murillo then shared the role and makeup of DCYF’s Youth Advisory Council—there is youth representation from the SF Public Library’s Teen Advisory Body, Youth Making A Change (from Coleman Advocates), the Student Advisory Council, TAYSF, and others. They advise the work, mission, and goals of DCYF, as well as $25,000 in mini-grants. Ms. Murillo briefly discussed the time commitment of the commissioners who will be sitting on the YAC.

Commissioner Listana asked Ms Murillo for more information on the Kindergarten to College program. Ms. Murillo explained that the program is based on a college savings fund for every child entering SFUSD kindergarten.

Commissioner Avalos inquired about the application process for YAC. The YC will be nominating one or two colleagues to serve on the YAC.

Commissioner Zheng asked about the location of the meetings. They will be meeting at the DCYF office’s Mint room.

Commissioner Guo inquired about DCYF’s outreach plan to ensure the there is no waste, particularly in the summer lunch and after school snack programs. Ms. Murillo reassured her that there has been outreach and will also be asking YAC to help with youth outreach.

Commissioner Listana asked about the support for youth who need assistance with applying for Youth Empowerment Fund Advisory Board mini- grants. Ms. Murillo confirmed that there is support and that there is consistent following up between DCYF and the youth.

Commissioner Avalos asked if children are required to submit SSN to receive services. Ms. Murillo stated no.

Commissioner Wu who sat on the YAC last year shared her experience with her fellow commissioner.

Chair Li, requested a show of hands from commission who are interested in serving on the YAC. Commissioners Zheng, Berliner, Jillian Wu, and Avalos each expressed interest.

Director Adele Failes-Carpenter explained to commissioners that the Executive Committee will decide who will be on the YAC, and encouraged commissioners who do not already have an officer role on the YC to consider serving on the YAC.

There was no public comment on this item.

B. Presentation on and request for support of the conditional use authorization for the 24-hour operation of the Diamond Youth Shelter
Presenter: Sherilyn Adams, Executive Director, Larkin Street Youth Services
(Document G
Sherilyn Adams, Executive Director of Larkin Street Youth Services

Ms. Adams requested the support of the commissioners on the Conditional Use Authorization for the Diamond Youth Shelter to remain opened for 24 hours which will go before the planning commission on October 23rd. Due to new state and federal regulations concerning on-site services, LSYS sees a need to keep the shelter open during daytime, which they believe will also provide the best services for young people staying there. LSYS has conducted an intensive community outreach process to hear input from neighbors.

Commissioner Berliner voiced her support of the proposal. She stated that as a formerly homeless youth, this issue was very important to her.

Commissioner Listana inquired about the funding required for expanding to 24 hour service. Ms. Adams explained that expanding hours would be cost neutral because they are already locating daytime services for the same youth at another site.

Commissioner Joyce Wu asked how many youth are served at LSYS sites on daily basis. Ms. Adams explained that it differed by day but that the average at Diamond youth shelter is eight youth.

Commissioner Guo asked whether there would be enough staff to ensure the safety of the youth. Ms Adams assured commissioners that while the law requires that we staff one adult to every eight youth, we aim to staff two adults to every eight young people.

Chair Li clarified what type of support Ms. Adams was requesting from youth commissioners.

Chair Li invited public comment. There was no public comment.

Commission Berliner, seconded by Commissioner David, motioned to support Larkin Street Youth Services proposal to the Planning Department for a conditional use authorization for the 24-hour operation of the Diamond Youth Shelter. The motion was approved by acclamation.

Chair Li called meeting to recess at 6:15pm. Chair Li called meeting back to order at 6:22pm.

8. Youth Commission Business (All Items to Follow Discussion and Possible Action)

A. Presentation on the Board of Supervisors Board Rule 2.12.1 establishing communication procedures for hearings on matters referred to the Youth Commission
Presenter: Rick Caldeira, Legislative Deputy Director, Board of Supervisors
(Documents H, I and J)

Rick Caldeira, Legislative Deputy Director of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisor gave an overview of Board Rule 2.12.1 that concerns the scheduling of youth-related matters at youth-friendly times.

Chair Li invited commissioner to asked questions of Mr. Caldeira. There were no questions.

Chair Li led commissioners in a discussion on how the Commission should establish when to request a hearing referred by the Board of Supervisors to be at youth-friendly hours.

Commissioner Avalos suggested that issue-based committees be a conduit for deciding whether legislation should be scheduled after school. Commissioner Cardenas suggested that the decision on whether an item should be requested to be scheduled at a youth friendly time be decided in part by the Legislative Affairs Officer. Commissioner Edelhart suggested that staff collaborate with the Legislative Affairs officer and possibly the committee chair as to whether an item being heard at the Board of Supervisors should be held at a later time.

Commissioner Edelhart asked for staff input. Director Failes-Carpenter commented that while a request could be voted on during legislation referred in a Full YC meeting, this was unlikely to fit well with the request from the Clerk’s office that the commission invoke the request at least five days before the item was scheduled to be heard in committee. She suggested also allowing a process whereby staff can work with the Legislative Affairs Officer and committee chairs to invoke the request, without requiring approval of the full body.

Commissioner Avalos asked if the commission should put this in their bylaws. Chair Li responded that depending upon the discussion tonight, the Commission will likely make an amendment to the bylaws that will be heard at the next meeting.

Commissioner Cardenas suggested that the commission only request youth voice be used on an item that will have significant on youth.

There was no public comment.

Chair Li invited a motion. Commissioner Edelhart, seconded by Commissioner David, motioned that the Full Youth Commission or committee can vote to request for an after-school hour hearing if the item was heard in time. If the timeframe of the Board of Supervisors hearing does not allow, then the Legislative Affairs Officer would work with staff and the relevant committee chair, or the chair of the commission, to determine that a request is warranted.

Commissioner Joyce Wu, seconded by commissioner Avalos, motioned that the Media Outreach Officers be responsible in making sure young people attend the meetings if the policy is enacted.

Commissioner Avalos, seconded by Commissioner Zheng, motioned that the amendment to the bylaws be agendized to be discussed at the next full YC meeting.

Commissioner Avalos’ motion passed by vote of acclamation.

Commissioner Joyce Wu’s motion passed by acclamation.

Commissioner Edelhart’s motion passed by acclamation.

There was no public comment on this item.

9. Attendance Authorizations (Discussion and Possible Action)

Chair Li reviewed the attendance policy adopted by the Full Youth Commission and the Executive Committee. Attendance authorizations will not be a standing item, but will be be included during Roll Call. Staff will note absences and commissioners will have the option to excuse.

10. Committee Reports (Discussion Only)

A. Housing, Environment, and City Services Committee

Commissioner Listana gave review of what happened during their committee meeting on September 25, 2014.

B. Immigration and Employment Committee

Committee chair Joyce Wu announced priorities the committee was researching and its efforts on the Young Voters Forum.

C. Youth Justice Committee

Acting committee chair Edelhart invited commissioners to attend a hearing of the Neighborhood Services and Safety committee of the Board of Supervisors on police body-mounted cameras. Commissioners Jillian Wu, Joyce Wu, Berliner, Cardenas, Avalos expressed interest in attending.

Commissioner Listana inquired whether the Community Outreach Officers should publicize the hearing. Commissioner Edelhart encouraged her to do so.

Commissioner Edelhart then invited commissioners to attend two meetings with the police commission: 1) Wed 5:30-police commission meeting and 2) Meeting with Police Commission Chair Suzy Loftus Wednesday, October 8, 2014.

Commissioner Berliner urged commissioners to attend a police commission meeting at which new domestic violence protocols would be discussed.

D. Executive Committee

Commissioner Edelhart shared that there will be a meeting on Wednesday, October 8, 2014 in city hall room 278 with international youth leaders seeking a presentation on the youth commission.

There was no public comment.

11. Staff Report (Discussion Only)

Director Failes-Carpenter congratulated commissioners on forging new territory with the Youth Voice Board rule. She reminded commissioners of their HSS opt-in/opt-out and that staff would be contacting for One-on-one check-in’s. October 17th the office would have a meeting with MTA regarding Free MUNI for youth enrollment. Commissioners Bernick, Listana, and Li expressed interest in attending. Ms. Failes-Carpenter announced she would be the permanent director of the youth commission.

Allen Lu invited commissioners to attend the young voters forum.

There was no public comment.

12. Announcements (This Includes Community Events)

Commissioner Listana invited commissioners to an informational event on ballot measures.

Commissioner Berliner invited commissioners to a Freedom Archives event.

There was no public comment.

13. Adjournment

Chair Li Adjourned meeting at 7:20 pm.