Executive Committee - November 12, 2014 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
November 12, 2014 (All day)

San Francisco Youth Commission
Executive Committee
Wednesday November 12, 2014
4:30-6:30 PM
City Hall, Room 345
1. Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Pl.
San Francisco, CA 94102

There will be public comment on each item.

Members: Sophie Edelhart, Michel Li, Luis Avalos Nuñez, Precious Listana, David Zheng

1. Call to Order and Roll Call

The meeting was called to order at 5:13 pm. Commissioners present: Li, Avalos Nuñez, Listana, Zheng. Commissioner Edelhart noted present at 5:22 pm. Staff present: Allen Lu, Adele Failes-Carpenter. There was quorum.

2. Approval of Agenda (Action Item)

Commissioner Zheng, seconded by Commissioner Listana, moved to approve the agenda. There was no public comment. The motion was approved by acclamation.

3. Approval of Minutes (Action Item)

A. October 29, 2014
(Document A)

Commissioner Zheng, seconded by Commissioner Li, moved to approve the minutes. There was no public comment. The motion was approved by acclamation.

4. Public Comment on Items not on Agenda (Discussion Only)

Ivy, a student and member of the public introduced herself.

5. Business (All Items to Follow Discussion and Possible Action)

A. Executive officer updates, check-ins, and committee reports

Outreach officers asked committee members to participate in a video project for social media outreach for the commission. There was no public comment.

B. Debrief last meeting

Committee members discussed strategies for increasing participation in legislation referred items. The strategies they discussed were: 1) getting presentations from legislative aides 2) Having discussion time before formal motions after question and answer period 3) Encourage other/all YC’ers to take turns introducing items 4) Reading legislation and preparing guiding questions when setting the agenda in Executive committee meetings 5) Embedding more information about the agenda items in the weekly internal and reminding YC’ers to come with questions and comments prepared. 6) Stress that YC recommendations should be relevant to the youth perspective or youth concerns

There was no public comment.

C. Updates from One on One’s

Committee members shared highlights from their discussions about YC goals with non-EC members.

There was no public comment.

D. Approve Agenda for November 17, 2014 Full YC Meeting

Commissioner Avalos Nunez, seconded by Commissioner Zheng, moved to approve the following non-standing items on the upcoming full YC agenda:

• Referral of BOS File No. 141123, Office of Early Care and Education
• Youth Commission Motion in Support of Vision Zero
• Youth Commission Motion in Support of Youth Advocacy Day
• A presentation from TAY SF

There was no public comment. The motion was approved by acclamation.

6. Staff Report

Ms. Failes-Carpenter shared a draft of a YC brochure to get feedback before it is sent to printing. There was no public comment.

7. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 6:43 pm.