Executive Committee - February 25, 2015 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
February 25, 2015 (All day)

San Francisco Youth Commission
Executive Committee
Wednesday February 25, 2015
4:30-6:30 PM
City Hall, Room 345
1. Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Pl.
San Francisco, CA 94102

There will be public comment on each item.

Members: Sophie Edelhart, Michel Li, Luis Avalos Núñez, Precious Listana, David Zheng

1. Call to Order and Roll Call

The meeting was called to order at 4:30 pm. Commissioners present: Zheng, Avalos, Li, Edelhart. Commissioner Listana noted present at 5:02 pm. Staff present: Adele Failes-Carpenter. There was quorum.

2. Approval of Agenda (Action Item)

Commission Avalos, seconded by Commissioner Zheng, moved to approve the agenda. There was no public comment. The motion was approved by acclamation.

3. Approval of Minutes (Action Item)

A. February 11, 2015
(Document A)

Commission Zheng, seconded by Commissioner Li, moved to approve the minutes. There was no public comment. The motion was approved by acclamation.

4. Public Comment on Items not on Agenda (Discussion Only)

There was none.

5. Business (All Items to Follow Discussion and Possible Action)

A. Executive officer updates, check-ins, and committee reports

Committee members gave brief updates on recent committee work.

B. Review of recent youth-related Board of Supervisors legislation

Committee members directed staff to request a referral of Supervisor Farrell’s resolution on the archdiocese morality clauses to the full youth commission, if it is being referred to a Board of Supervisors committee. They also asked staff to refer the annual homeless count hearing to either full youth commission or the housing, environment, and city services committee. They asked staff to refer Supervisor Wiener’s resolution supporting state legislation requiring vaccinations to the full commission, if there is time on the March 16th agenda. Finally, they asked staff to have the SFPD-SFUSD joint select hearing referred to full youth commission, once introduced. Committee members declined to request a referral of Supervisor Mar’s resolution concerning Ocean Beach bonfires. There was no public comment.

C. Approve Agenda for March 2, 2014 Full YC Meeting

Committee members reviewed the following non-standing agenda items:

• Presentation on anti-Islamophobia curriculum by the Islamic Network Group
• Presentation on the year-end project from YouthWorks interns
• Second reading of the Children of Incarcerated Parents resolution
• Any of the requested legislation referred which can be placed on Mondays’ agenda

Commissioner Zheng, seconded by Commissioner Avalos, moved to approve the agenda. There was no public comment. The motion was approved by acclamation.

D. Review other committee priorities

Committee members discussed upcoming events related to #Vote16, including a rally on March 16th. They suggested that people wear purple to the rally.

6. Staff Report

Ms. Failes-Carpenter updated that she would be out of the office on Friday and that Monica Guzman would be joining the staff on Monday. She reminded commissioners about youth commission applications for 2015-16 and requested their help with outreach. There was no public comment.

7. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 5:54 pm.