Executive Committee - September 30, 2015 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
September 30, 2015 (All day)

San Francisco Youth Commission
Executive Committee
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
4:30-6:30 PM
City Hall, Room 345
1. Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Pl.
San Francisco, CA 94102

There will be public comment on each item.

Members: Jillian Wu (Chair), Hatim Mansori, Anna He, Luis Avalos, Cris Plunkett

1. Call to Order and Roll Call

The meeting was called to order at 4:38 pm. Commissioners present: Wu, Mansori, He, Avalos, Plunkett. Staff present: Adele Failes-Carpenter. There was quorum.

2. Approval of Agenda (Action Item)

Commissioner Avalos, seconded by Commissioner Wu, moved to approve the agenda. There was no public comment. The motion was approved by acclamation.

3. Approval of Minutes (Action Item)

A. September 16, 2015
(Document A)

Commissioner Plunkett, seconded by Commissioner He, moved to approve the minutes from the last meeting. There was no public comment. The motion was approved by acclamation.

4. Public Comment on Items not on Agenda (Discussion Only)

There was none.

5. Business (All Items to Follow Discussion and Possible Action)

A. Executive officer updates, check-ins

Commissioners shared updates from their respective weeks. There was no public comment.

B. Updates from check-ins with commissioners

Committee members shared updates from their one-on-one check ins with fellow commissioners and affirmed commitment to completing check ins by next meeting. There was no public comment.

C. Select representatives for Youth Advisory Council

Commissioner Plunkett, seconded by Commissioner Avalos, moved to select Commissioners Pating and Matz to the YAC, pending their acceptance of their selection, and in the event that they do not wish to serve on the YAC, to forward the vote to Monday’s Youth Commission meeting. There was no public comment. The motion failed by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Avalos, Plunkett; No’s: Mansori, He, Wu

Commissioner Avalos, seconded by Commissioner He, moved to put the selection to a vote by the entire commission on Monday’s agenda. The motion was approved by acclamation.

D. Debrief second full Youth Commission meeting

Commissioners discussed the flow of the second meeting and agreed the discussion on legislation related to the childcare impact fee was dynamic and interesting. They discussed strategies for engaging other commissioners in discussion. Staff shared insight that the majority of contributions in the full meeting had been made by men, and suggested that the committee consider ways of encouraging contribution from young women on the commission. Committee members discussed strategies. There was no public comment.

E. Review of Updates on Commission Outreach and Communications

Commissioners He and Mansori updated commissioners they would be presenting October 19th. There was no public comment.

F. Review of recent youth-related Board of Supervisors legislation

Commissioner Plunkett updated commissioners on recently introduced legislation, including the safer schools sexual assault task force introduced by Supervisor Kim, and a charter amendment for a open space fund introduced by Supervisor Farrell. Commissioners received copies of legislation slated for inclusion in the upcoming full commission agenda. There was no public comment.

G. Committee reports

Commissioners shared reports from their respective committees. There was no public comment.

H. Approve Agenda for October 5, 2015 Full YC Meeting

Commissioner Avalos, seconded by Commissioner Mansori moved to approve the upcoming meeting agenda with the following non-standing items:
• Legislation Referred on barring use of criminal history in applications to board appointments introduced by Supervisor Kim
• Legislation Referred on Amendments to Residential Rent Stabilization and Arbitration Ordinance introduced by Supervisor Kim
• Presentation on Our Children, Our Families Council by Laurie Scolari
• Selection of YAC representatives
In public comment, Geoffree Gary introduced himself. There was no further public comment. The motion was approved by acclamation.

6. Staff Report

Staff reminded commissioners to reach out to appointing officials.

7. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 6:18 pm.